Jumat, 14 November 2008

Facts Of Live

Facts Of Life

  1. At least five people in this world love you so much, they would die for you.
  2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
  3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
  4. Your smile can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don’t like you.
  5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before he or she goes to sleep.
  6. You mean the world to someone.
  7. Without you, someone may not be living.
  8. You are special and unique in your own way.
  9. Someone that you don’t know exist, loves you.
  10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
  11. When you think the world has turned it’s back on you, take a look, you most likely have turned your back on the world.
  12. When you think you have no chance at getting what you want, you probably won’t get it. But if you believe in yourself, you probably sooner or later get it.

Minggu, 09 November 2008

Obama is new president in USA. Now... rezim Bush is over. No more war in this world. Because followed Bush rezim, McCain lose too. I hove with Obama to be president in America, peace will be come in iraq. I hove that.... Thanks... .p

Rabu, 05 November 2008

Every One Can Be a Genius

Every One Can Be a Genius

We often hear people say that being a genius is a gift from the God and there is nothing we can do about it.. Some people are born to be genius while others are not. But there is one thing for sure that being a genius is every human’s dream because it could guarantee the success in our studies, jobs, or even in lives. Somebody being genius is generally related to his intelligent. So the more intelligent a person is, the more genius he will be.

Intelligence in this case is not a matter of how a person could get good scores in his test or just how well the ability of a person could help him in his school or college. These two are just indicators of something much larger. Intelligence we mean is the way people behave to various situations, especially new and challenging ones. And we can find this kind of situation not only in school or campus, but also in our daily life.

Experiments conductedby Rozenweigh on rats that had directly interacted to challenging environments showed that the rat’s brain had heavier and thicker cerebral cortex than others. Cerebral cortex are fibres that make actual and potential connections between neurons (nerve cells). And the power of the brain is largely affected by the cerebral cortex because the power of the brain is generally a function of the number of neurons and richness of their connection. So we can conclude that the more the brain is stimulated by new ang challenging situations the better and the richer cerebral cortex and the higher the mental ability will be.

Research conducted by Sperry and Ornsteins (two scientist from California Institute of Technology) showed that the human brain is devided into two halves – the left side ang the right side. The left side deals with language and mathematical processes, also with logical thought, sequence and analyst. The right side of the brain deals with music and visual impression, pictures, spatial pattern ang colour recognition, also swith such intangibles like love, loyalty, ang beauty. Or in other words we can say that the left side of the brain is more likely to analyse while the right side is to synthesize. The two halves can be specialized but cannot be isolated, each side complements ang improves the performance of the other. That’s why the specialisation of one of the halves while abandoning the other half can result in some bizarre behaviour.

The number of neurons or the nerve cells inside of the human brain is fixed before birth. About 20 weeks after conceptions, the human embryo has laid down the entirenervous system : between 12 – 15 billions neurons. Unlike other body cells, brain cells do not usually regenerate themselves. The loss of thousands that die over a life time is more than compensated by the number of connection between neurons that continuously grow as the individual grows. Trytophan, a very important amino acid for the brain chemistry, is largely concentrated on the human’s milk. That’s why for the sake of their child’s brain, mother’s breast – feeding is best for the child.

Within the last century human has made tremendous changes in every aspect of life wether they are technical or material spheres. He have taken full power over our environment and we also have become the lords and masters of this planet over other creatures. Then also within those years there are many people who are considered to be the world’s genius like Albert Einstein or our ex-president B.J Habibie, and there are plenty more who claim themselves as genius. But we do not realize, research showed that from 15 billions nerve cells or neurons in our brain, we are only using not more than 4 or 5 percent of them. This means that not less than 95 percents of our brain power is unused. So, do you still think it is appropriate for you to claim yourself as a genius while you are only using not more than 5 percent of your brain power?

In conclusion, we know that intelligence has a very large influence on deciding somebody being a genius or not. To have a high intelligence, a person has to train his brain in facing various situations, especially new and challenging ones. And it is important for us to make a balance between the two halves of the brain in making our specialization. But he most important thing of all is that being a genius is not always a gift from God so that not all of us could be genius, but every one of us could be a genius as long as we are willing ti train our brain.

Minggu, 02 November 2008

get friend n get money...

ehmmm.... i don't know what i want write right here right now. but i will try to write what happen arround me right now. in this morning, near my home, so many truck parking. and the driver not in the truck. hehehe... sorry. i'm confuse today... see you...